HCN has new tech systems and new (real) editorial fellows.
Michael Schrantz
Community and collective action across the West
Tell us how you’re working for a better future amid the climate crisis.
Encountering HCN
Readers describe how they first ran into the magazine in the wild.
Thanks for reading
Our summer reading challenge has come to a close.
Read with us
As summer arrives, so too does another summer reading challenge.
Meet up with the HCN community
And send us your bumper sticker ideas!
Tell us what you think
Share your thoughts through our latest reader survey.
Making HCN a home for visual journalists of all backgrounds
Visuals Editor Roberto ‘Bear’ Guerra talks about efforts to diversify High Country News’ journalism.
Spreading the news
Tips for readers on sharing High Country News.
Read with High Country News
Join our reading contest, #HCNSummerReading.
Meet you in the metaverse
Well, how about at a HCN Live! event?
Our latest survey and our new poetry editor
The readers have spoken, and our poetry editor speaks.
A Q&A with Paisley Rekdal, HCN’s new poetry editor
‘Poetry offers a different way of seeing the world.’