Ten states own 1.6 million acres of land within 83 tribal nations’ reservations. How did they get there?
Land-grab universities
Stolen Indigenous land is the foundation of the land-grant university system. Climate change is its legacy.
Extractive industries are filling public university coffers on stolen land.
So you want to acknowledge the land?
Some notes on a trend, and what real justice could look like.
‘Land-grab universities’ wins IRE award
The award from Investigative Reporters and Editors marks the second major honor for the project.
‘Land-grab universities’ wins Polk Award for Education Reporting
The project ‘sparked public conversations about the debts universities owe to Indigenous nations.’
Students and faculty urge deeper look at land-grant legacy
University officials face pressure to address their history as the recipients of dispossessed Indigenous land.
Cornell University addresses stolen Indigenous land in new project
The university obtained almost 990,000 acres of expropriated Indigenous land through the Morrill Act and hopes to provide some remedies.
The land-grant universities still profiting off Indigenous homelands
There are at least 16 land-grant universities making money from the expropriated Indigenous lands they retained from the Morrill Act.
Colorado State University acknowledges its establishment at ‘dire cost to Native Nations’
The land-grant university hopes to recruit more Indigenous students.
Land-grant universities should acknowledge their debt to Indigenous people
Many of the nation’s universities were created with stolen wealth.
Explore the land-grab universities data
Reconstruct the ties between Indigenous dispossession and the funding of land-grant universities.
Land-grab universities
Expropriated Indigenous land is the foundation of the land-grant university system.
How we investigated the land-grant university system
A methodology of our two-year inquiry into the origin of wealth that undergirds the nation’s system of higher education.
Further reading on HCN’s land-grants university investigation
Dive deep into our bibliography.