To elevate our newly redesigned magazine, in 2020 we began investing even more in distinctive visuals. That has included hiring talented artists to illustrate our reportage that delves into lofty ideas, essays that are seeped in personal experiences and conversations with broad relevance. Here are some of our favorite illustrations from the past year.

Credit: Sarah Gilman/High Country News Credit: Sarah Gilman/High Country News

The multitalented Sarah Gilman illustrated and wrote this feature inspired by her personal encounter with a mountain lion.

Credit: Lauren Crow/High Country News Credit: Lauren Crow/High Country News

Lauren Crow’s intricate portraits accompanied a conversation in each of our print magazines. Including this composition of four Colorado writers that discussed empathy, systems of oppression and ‘the moment’ with Brian Calvert.

Credit: Marty Two Bulls Jr. / High Country News Credit: Marty Two Bulls Jr. / High Country News

With bold energetic graphics, Marty Two Bulls Jr. illustrated this collection on how anti-Indigeneity proliferates around the West and the world.

Credit: Daniel González/High Country News Credit: Daniel González/High Country News

At the beginning of the shelter-in-place orders due to the coronavirus pandemic, Daniel González carved a collection of stunning linocuts for Maya Kapoor’s assortment of lighthearted tipsfrom the nonhuman world on social distancing.

Credit: Jason Holley Credit: Jason Holley

Jason Holley created this satirical flag for an exploration on how a Revolutionary War-era flag evolved into an anti-government symbol.

Credit: Amy Berenbeim/High Country News Credit: Amy Berenbeim/High Country News

Printmaker Amy Berenbeim’s work accompanied a personal essay by a natural burial cemetery employee. The essay shows that dying can be as small and personal as life.

Credit: Krystal Quiles/High Country News Credit: Krystal Quiles/High Country News

Credit: Sena Kwon/High Country News Credit: Sena Kwon/High Country News

Credit: Michelle Urra/High Country News Credit: Michelle Urra/High Country News

Michelle Urra’s work brings a scene to life for a review of Maxim Loskutoff’s debut novel that explores the fraught history of the Bitterroot Valley.

Credit: Dan Winters/High Country News Credit: Dan Winters/High Country News

Credit: Hanna Barczyk/High Country News Credit: Hanna Barczyk/High Country News

Conceptual illustrator Hanna Barczyk helped bring lofty concepts to earth for our roundup of ballot measures across the Western U.S.

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