In Los Angeles, a steady movement takes hold under the Trump administration.
Ruxandra Guidi
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Police, la migra and the trouble with Trump
A ride-along with LAPD shows how tricky community policing can be.
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La policía, la migra y el problema con Trump
Un patrullaje en Los Angeles muestra lo complicada que es la colaboración ciudadana.
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En Los Angeles, los nuevos edictos crean confusión
¿Quiénes son bienvenidos en los Estados Unidos de Trump?
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ICE raids confirm worst fears of young immigrants
Immigration sweeps are having a chilling effect on Dreamers, key leaders in the California resistance.
Posted inDecember 12, 2016: How the Park Service is Failing Women
Tolerance in Trump’s America
Amid fear and despair, we’ll have to find ways to talk to each other.