Posted inMay 30, 1994: Can mining come clean?

Endangered waters

The Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone is the most endangered river in North America, reports the environmental group American Rivers. The wild and scenic river, which runs through Montana and Wyoming, is threatened by a proposed gold mine two-and-a-half miles from Yellowstone National Park. The project includes a 90-foot dam designed to hold millions of […]

Posted inMay 16, 1994: Babbitt is trying to nationalize the BLM

Cities fight to keep water out of the Platte

Standing on the banks of the Platte River in central Nebraska, surrounded by cottonwood trees and dense brush, it’s hard to imagine how different the river looked 100 years ago. It’s “an enormous change in habitat over the last century,” says Ken Strom, manager of the National Audubon Society’s Rowe Wildlife Refuge near Kearney, Neb. […]

Posted inMay 2, 1994: A struggle for the last grass

BuRec downsizes

Seven years after the Bureau of Reclamation promised to transform itself from dam builder to environmental water manager, the agency announced its first self-imposed overhaul. Under an order signed by Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, the Bureau will move its headquarters from Denver back to Washington, D.C., streamline its management structure and cut 550 jobs, mostly […]

Posted inApril 18, 1994: The salmon win one

From driveways to watersheds

Suburbs and ranchettes sprouting across the Western landscape often add pollution to already burdened watersheds. Residential pollution comes from oil, pesticides, and fertilizers washed off driveways and yards. The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension in Reno has launched an effort to reduce nonpoint pollution of the Truckee River by educating residents about sources of pollution […]

Posted inMarch 7, 1994: Pay as you waste, says EPA

Symposium won’t be dry

-Rivers at the Crossroads: Law, Science, Politics, and People” will bring together conservationists, agriculturalists and politicos to talk about water-use conflicts in Idaho and other Western states. Symposium organizer Marty Bridges says the meeting will give people the opportunity to voice their concerns about water-use policy directly to the heads of the Idaho Department of […]

Posted inFebruary 21, 1994: Draining the budget to desalt the Colorado

Draining the budget to desalt the Colorado

YUMA, Ariz. – When people talk about 1990s boondoggles, conversation often turns to the superconducting super collider, the Hubble space telescope or the space station. But consider for a moment a water-desalting plant in the middle of a desert. Make it the largest, most expensive reverse-osmosis plant ever built, and keep in mind that it […]