Posted inOctober 13, 1997: The land is still public, but it's no longer free

Greens, as usual, are easy to bait

Environmentalists, the criticism goes, are naive about economics. I think that’s generous. Most of us in the movement work for substandard wages because we believe in the cause. Even worse, we expect others to make similar sacrifices, preserving rivers, forests and wildlife regardless of the consequences to struggling families or communities. That’s one reason why […]

Posted inApril 4, 1994: Who speaks for the Colorado Plateau?

Grazing reform: A plan to chew on

Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt launched his second attempt at grazing reform last month, issuing a giant 224-page draft plan to revamp grazing practices on 170 million acres of Bureau of Land Management rangeland. Like his initial proposal last summer, the revised plan would double grazing fees and tighten environmental regulations. But, in a major departure, […]