Posted inNovember 19, 2001: Bringing back the bosque

‘Scholarship, sainthood and simplicity’

Frank C. Craighead Jr., a world-renowned grizzly bear researcher, environmentalist and author, died in Jackson, Wyo., on Oct 21. He was 85. Craighead and his brother, John, who lives in Missoula, Mont., were best known for their pioneering research on the great bear, Ursus arctos horribilis. Among the first people to track wildlife using radio […]

Posted inJanuary 20, 1997: Bees under siege

Money can’t buy a full season

Even though higher entrance fees in Yellowstone National Park are expected to raise roughly $7 million over the next three years, more money won’t guarantee that the park will stay open for its traditional season. That’s because Park Service officials in Washington determined that maintenance for deteriorating roads and buildings should be top priority for […]